Quarterly Economic Bulletin 2021/22 Quarter 2

Limpopo Policy and Research Repository

Quarterly Economic Bulletin 2021/22 Quarter 2

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Title: Quarterly Economic Bulletin 2021/22 Quarter 2
Author: Limpopo Provincial Treasury
Abstract: The second quarter Quarterly Economic Bulletin is presented at a time when the country is implementing the economic reconstruction and recovery plan after the upsetting effect of COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021. The national government has set up plans and strategies to lift the country out of the tough prevailing economic conditions, which ranges from high unemployment rate, high poverty levels and deteriorating income levels. Covid-19 has also impacted negatively to the national and provincial revenue collection, and the crisis lead to a need to reprioritize the budget towards COVID -19 related expenditure. Globally many economies are devising and introducing policy adjustments to cope with the tough and challenging economic times and the new way of doing business. The global economic landscape is shifting from traditional based activities to more refined service orientated economic activities embracing the use of technologies.
Description: Technical report
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1450
Date: 2021-09-21

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