Quarterly Economic Bulletin 2021/22 Quarter 3

Limpopo Policy and Research Repository

Quarterly Economic Bulletin 2021/22 Quarter 3

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Title: Quarterly Economic Bulletin 2021/22 Quarter 3
Author: Limpopo Provincial Treasury
Abstract: The 2020/21 quarter three Quarterly Economic Bulletin is presented during the continuing mist of Covid-19, which is accompanied by the new waves of infections and the recent emergency of the new omicron variant. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to force government to act in a context of great uncertainty and under heavy economic, fiscal and social pressures. Both the national and provincial government are continuing to protect the health of the citizens and to limit the impact of the crisis on the already ailing economy. The global economic recovery continues amid a resurging pandemic that poses unique policy challenges. Meanwhile, inflation has increased markedly in the United States and some emerging market economies including South Africa. As restrictions are relaxed, demand has accelerated, but supply has been slower to respond. Although price pressures are expected to subside in most countries in 2022, inflation prospects are highly uncertain. These increases in inflation are occurring even as employment is below pre-pandemic levels in many economies, forcing difficult choices on policymakers.
Description: Technical quarterly report
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1451
Date: 2021-12-31

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