The Knee Injuries in Women Soccer Players in South Africa

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The Knee Injuries in Women Soccer Players in South Africa

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Title: The Knee Injuries in Women Soccer Players in South Africa
Author: Ehab Elsayed Mohamed
Abstract: The knee Injuries in Women Soccer Players in South Africa The Knee is a common site for injuries in soccer players. The reasons for the increased rates of knee injuries in women soccer players are not clear, but some theories suggested the reason to lie in the difference in anatomy. This research investigate the prevalence of knee injuries in women soccer players in South Africa and sought to find out whether three of the anatomical factors (Q-angle, pelvic width and Intercondylar notch width) have a role in increasing knee injuries in these individuals. The study design was case –control study. Methodology: Twenty four players of South Africa women soccer team (Under 23) participated in this study. X-rays of the hip were taken and the Q-angles were thereafter measured manually. Association between anatomical factors and knee injuries were determined. The result of this study showed that 17% of the players were having non contact knee injuries. Statistical analysis showed no significant relation between knee injuries among women soccer players and each of the anatomical factors. The P-values of both t-test and ANOVA test were larger than the 0.05 level of significance. The study found that the prevalence of knee injuries among the young women playing for the South African national team U-23 was relatively high. However, this study could not identify significant relationship between the anatomical risk factors and the incidences of knee injuries among the participants.
Date: 2012-10-26

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