Overcoming Learner Diversity: A Teacher Education Perspective in South Africa

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Overcoming Learner Diversity: A Teacher Education Perspective in South Africa

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Title: Overcoming Learner Diversity: A Teacher Education Perspective in South Africa
Author: Mashau, Takalani, Samuel; Mutshaeni, Humbulani, Nancy; Maphosa, Cosmas
Abstract: Apartheid laws of 1949-1953 divided the South African society into racial ethnic groups. These racial ethnic groups were separated from one another in order for rulers to rule a divided society. These laws isolated different races and ethnic groups. In terms of the education sector, the Bantu Education Act did serious damage to Black societies. Laws of segregation divided South African population or societies according to race, religion, culture and ethnics background. After 1994, the democratic government in its power, unified the divided society through pieces of legislation. The divided society was unified by pieces of legislations which were passed to unify South African society, though in reality, South Africa as a country is still divided. Every ethnic group perceives itself as superior than other ethnic groups. However, through this current division there is intermingling of different races and ethnic groups in schools. Learners/students and teachers come from different cultural backgrounds and meet in schools. The question arises how teachers cope with learners who come from diverse cultural backgrounds. this concept paper discusses how teachers can cope in a multicultural class.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1174
Date: 2014

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