A Model for the Facilitation of Health for Pregnant Learners Attending Secondary Schools in Limpopo Province

Limpopo Policy and Research Repository

A Model for the Facilitation of Health for Pregnant Learners Attending Secondary Schools in Limpopo Province

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Title: A Model for the Facilitation of Health for Pregnant Learners Attending Secondary Schools in Limpopo Province
Author: Matlala, Sogo, France
Abstract: Leaner pregnancy in secondary schools of South Africa is a public health problem that requires the involvement of parents, teachers and health workers in order to promote maternal and child health and retain learners in school. The aim of this study is to explore and describe the experiences of teachers, parents and pregnant learners regarding facilitation of health for pregnant learners attending secondary schools in order to attain and maintain health for the mother and her newborn baby and prevent school dropout.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1241
Date: 2016-02

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